Tuesday, December 22, 2009

It's been a while..

*sigh* Well... Its been a while since i updated the blog because.. I don'w what to post or write. And... I haven't update my story and thinking to rewrite the story with some different character, etcetera etcetera~
Unfortunatelly, i don't have a book to write the story T^T

Ahem.. And also.. Looks like i need to practice my singing skill. I haven't singing again for a few month(except at cultural art lessons) so i decided to practice my singing skill again but i don't know the right time to practice. Usually i practice when there's no one at home but, now my big bro always at home TAT

Oh well.. I can practice at school. Anyway~ Recently i thinks many things and.. The emergence of 'that' memories 'till i got an insomnia a few days ago.. I hope they dissapear..

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Acara selesai! XD

Yak! Peringatan Hari AIDS Sedunia selesai!! Gile... Cape... Dari pagi bagiin selembaran + pita(sama minta sumbangan sih) ke anak SD, SMP dan SMA/SMK serta orang tua murid. Ada yang nolak~ ada yang nerima~~ Ada yang kejam banget~ masa baru d ambil, blon di buka(pita msh ada d plasti) langsung di buang d dpn mata para panitia(gw sm 2 org lg sih ngga soalnya ada d lapangan). Tapi usaha yg bikin cape ga sia2... Dana yang terkumpul sebesar Rp 831.000,-(delapan ratus tiga puluh satu rupiah)! Sejarah baru dalam SMK Tri Ratna! XD

P.S: whew... hari kamis d ajakin makan sm gurunya! X3

Monday, November 30, 2009

Finished a coloring!

Well... Finally i finished my friend req to color one of her line arts in 2 days... The result...? Not so good i guess because i tried to color with 'Pen Tool' only but in the end.. I color it with both pen tool and brush + smudge(for hair and skirt) and also blur in some places *headdesk*.

Anyway~ I made some version(only the background that different):
Ver. 1:

Ver. 2:

and Ver. 3:

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Finished the task

Fiuh... Finally i finished the task from the event management. Anyway~ the result is.. like this:
AIDS(Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) adalah penyakit
yang mengakibatkan menurunnya sistem kekebalan tubuh.
Disebabkan oleh virus HIV(Human Immunodeficiency Virus).
Cara penularanya:
- Free Sex
- Penggunaan jarum suntik bergantian
- Transfusi darah
- Ibu yang hamil kepada bayi yang ia kandung
Cara pencegahannya:
- Setia kepada pasangan/menggunakan kondom
- Menggunakan jarum yang streril/hanya 1 kali
- Mengadakan pemeriksaan darah kepada orang
yang akan mendonorkan darahnya
- Ibu yang terinfeksi HIV tidak menyusui anaknya


A little.. Too weird huh? That is the result anyway.. With the font type Arial and font size 9.5 ...
Well... that the teacher want to fit the 8 pieces of paper. What a stingy teacher...

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Rapat selesai!

Bzzt.. Sial.. Slh nge-post kmrn.. Malah post d blog yg atu lg.. --a

Anyway~ rapat utk hr slasa dah slese! Beserta pita merah entah itu ada brp yg pasti targetnya mesti 800 pita... Nyampe segitu ga ya td? O.o
well.. Gw ga tw krn ga ada yg mo ngitungin.
Skrg tgs gw.. Nyari info mengenai penyakitnya. Saatnya bekerja! XD XD

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Got another photo!

Yay! I got another photo of my cute little doggie while it was sleeping..! XD *paparazi at home*

damn.. It was so cute... Maybe i'll take another photo of my cute little doggie >w<

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Finnaly finished the blog because someone forced me to...
Dan tadi d berikan pertanyaan agak aneh oleh seseorang pula yg bikin gw agak bingung~~

Anyway~ bingung mo d isiin apa~
mungkin bakal d isi sm diari ato beberapa karya PS gw(bwt shara klo liat blognya... Maap klo ga bs lanjutin coloring T^T)
