*sigh* Well... Its been a while since i updated the blog because.. I don'w what to post or write. And... I haven't update my story and thinking to rewrite the story with some different character, etcetera etcetera~
Unfortunatelly, i don't have a book to write the story T^T
Ahem.. And also.. Looks like i need to practice my singing skill. I haven't singing again for a few month(except at cultural art lessons) so i decided to practice my singing skill again but i don't know the right time to practice. Usually i practice when there's no one at home but, now my big bro always at home TAT
Oh well.. I can practice at school. Anyway~ Recently i thinks many things and.. The emergence of 'that' memories 'till i got an insomnia a few days ago.. I hope they dissapear..
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Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Acara selesai! XD
Yak! Peringatan Hari AIDS Sedunia selesai!! Gile... Cape... Dari pagi bagiin selembaran + pita(sama minta sumbangan sih) ke anak SD, SMP dan SMA/SMK serta orang tua murid. Ada yang nolak~ ada yang nerima~~ Ada yang kejam banget~ masa baru d ambil, blon di buka(pita msh ada d plasti) langsung di buang d dpn mata para panitia(gw sm 2 org lg sih ngga soalnya ada d lapangan). Tapi usaha yg bikin cape ga sia2... Dana yang terkumpul sebesar Rp 831.000,-(delapan ratus tiga puluh satu rupiah)! Sejarah baru dalam SMK Tri Ratna! XD
P.S: whew... hari kamis d ajakin makan sm gurunya! X3
P.S: whew... hari kamis d ajakin makan sm gurunya! X3
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- Rikku Shaolee
- Jakarta, Indonesia
- Okay~ i'm an ordinary human~ but sometimes become insane at school. I'm a fans of Burupya from 07-Ghost.. A cute little fyulong dragon~ XD Oh well.. Anyway~ enjoy your stay in my blog~ don't forget to leave a comment~ ^.^